Friday, May 1, 2009

Steaming pile of Blog!

Just starting out in the whole Blog game I have come to learn a few things over the past days.

  1. There are some very good writers on the Internet

  2. There are some piss poor writers on the Internet

  3. I fall somewhere in between

I hope that I can move towards being more of a #1 type of writer then being #2. (pun intended)

A majority of type #1 writers have in depth views and opinions on what they are writing. They develop their ideas fully and have good grammar skills. (Something I need to work on)

In contrast #2 type writers usually have poorly developed ideas or difficulty putting into words what they are trying to express. Their blogs are usually quantity over quality. Sure it's nice to look at a blog and see they have 150+ entries for a single month. But only if it's because they are writing something worth reading. It's an investment in time for someone to come to your site and read what you have written. So it is the responsibility of the writer or wanna be writer to provide content worth reading. I found an example of this on one blog. I will not mention the name of it, but I will summarize one of the entries I read.

"Woke up and had to clean up Petro's bloody crap off the carpet....Again!"

Let me explain my feelings about this particular blog entry.

  1. Is that really something that people want/need to know?

  2. Overall it sounds pretty gross

  3. Dam man, take Petro to the vet already!

My personal idea of what a blog should be is as follows:

  1. Have a clean layout.

  2. Start each entry with a catchy title that is relevant.

  3. Express your idea, story or opinion as clearly as possible.

  4. Write something worth reading.

  5. Hopefully be able to respond to people's comments on your writing.

  6. Use's free. Trust me I do because I should.

  7. End each entry with a hook, you know the closing thought that cements the story together.

I will try and follow my self imposed rules, well maybe not rules, more like guidelines. Hopefully in time there will be people out there that will enjoy reading what I have to write. I will try and write entries worth reading. If I am not, or if I am making a travesty of something I hope that someone will let me know. In closing on this article I just have to hope...

That Petro is a dog!

1 comment:

  1. Your weakness is not your technique.....
