Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Amount Enclosed

I was taking the time recently to pay my bills when I noticed something. In each and every bill that I opened was a blank box to enter the amount of the check I had enclosed with the bill. For some reason this really irritated me. I don't know about you but when I open my bills I look for the amount due and send in a check for that amount. So what is the point of this Amount Enclosed box?

Asking around I received several suggestions for this box. All of which are directed towards making it easier for the company collecting the bill to process it. Well, okay I guess I should just jump right on that band wagon. I mean heck, why shouldn't I take on some additional work to make it easier for the people making a profit off of me....


I could just not fill it out. Because, really does it matter? Do you think they even use those boxes? No one has ever called me to say "I'm sorry, we can not process your payment because you failed to fill out the amount enclosed section of your bill". So really what is the point? Perhaps I should just put something ambiguous in this box like:

Amount Enclosed: Yes
Amount Enclosed: Sure
or even
Amount Enclosed: You bet!

On the other hand I could just fill it in with some overly large number. What do you think? If I fill out $5,000,000 in the amount enclosed section of a bill for $5.00 do you think the company will send back $4,999,995? I kind of doubt it.

I have a sneaky suspicion that this Amount Enclosed box is the brainchild of some engineer. That's right, the over thinkers. You know, the guys that sit around and have conversations like:

"Hey Bob, everything is running great!"
"Really Joe, what can we change!"

Making people like you and me pull our hair out. why?, because something is added or changed or altered for no perceivable reason other than it can be done. That's what the Amount Enclosed box is to me.

"Hey Joe, lets put in this Amount Enclosed box on all our bills."
"Why Bob?"
"Because we can!"

So next time you are sending in a bill, take the time to locate the Amount Enclosed box and fill it in with:

Ask Bob!

Today's Rant:Complete

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