Saturday, April 25, 2009

In the begining...

Okay, for pretty much no reason at all I find myself writing a blog. Why? I don't really know to tell you the truth. Perhaps it's some sort of self induced therapy in order to rant at my perceived worldly injustices. Or maybe I just have too much stored in the old grey matter and it needs to get out. Either way it's not planned so pretty much anything could happen....or nothing for that matter.

Not really knowing the implications of what I am doing I am going to plead ignorance at how I should or shouldn't proceed. Of course since I am releasing this out to the general public I expect someone to eventually stumble across this and maybe...Gasp...even read it. This of course can result in one of several things. Three come to mind off hand.

#1. Nothing. yep that's right no response what so ever. Hey it's like your writing in your own personal journal that nobody cares about. It just happens to be on the Internet and available for all to see. Okay, I can live with that.
#2. A small group of people will see and respond to the erratic writings posted. Perhaps they will think they are helping some poor lunatic deal with the onset of dementia. Thank you for your empathy at this trying time in the slow decay of my mental facilities.
#3. People will genuinely enjoy what I have to say and might even respond positively.

So what odds do I lay on these? Let's see, okay I would have to say 90% for number 1, 9% for number 2 and a resounding 1% chance for number 3. Sorry for seaming so glum, but hey it's kind of a life style after so many years of being an Optipessimist. Whats that? - well read on.

You see I am not an optimist, in fact I find I have a strong desire to beat these people with a bag of doorknobs. They are always saying things like "Hey, look at the bright side!" and "Wow, look how large my check is." These people fall into the same group as Walmart Zombie's*. They may have been people you use to know and love, but now, you really should just put them down.

I am not a Pessimist either. These people are so doom and gloom all the time that they even invented a social class to organize them into....Emo's. They tend to make general statements such as "What's the point of doing anything ever! I mean I'm just gonna die some horrible way at a young age and nobody will come to even spit on my grave." I swear it makes me want to say "Hey, look at the bright side!" err...wait, forget that.

Nope, I'm special. And not that kinda special where you get money from the government or they have a separate set of games for you. Not, that anything is wrong with those kinda special people, so don't even start with the venom laced responses. No, I mean I'm an Optipessimist.

What's an Optipessimist you ask? well that's simple it's someone who is positive that something bad is going to happen. I fall into this category. You might be one too. Maybe you have always been one. Maybe you are surrounded by us? Who knows. So if you just found out what category you fall under congratulations... just don't go outside and get hit by a truck!

*To be discussed in more detail on another day.

Today's Rant: Complete.

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