Sunday, April 26, 2009

Oh, you swine!

So, it's a new day, full of hopes, dreams, aspirations... and fears of catching a deadly virus the likes of which the world has never seen....

Great, just what I needed!

Once again I find myself facing an ever changing dilemma of choices. But, now comes along a whole new player to throw a wrench into the workings, Swine Flu! That's right. Swine Flu. This new kid on the block is a bully, and he's coming to steal your lunch money.

So far cases of swine flu have popped up in Mexico, New York, California, Kansas, Ohio, Texas, New Zealand, and Canada. These geographical locations are several thousands of miles apart, as anyone with a basic understanding of geography can attest.

So, what is the point I am trying to make with all this? Well, it's rather simple really. Influenza spreads from person to person fast. That's right boys and girls, we are facing a fast moving virus that we have no natural defenses too. Just in case your not sure, this is the part that should make you feel very uncomfortable.

Not only that, but, it is also killing off the one sector of the population that usually has a higher survival rate to influenza than others. The 20 to 40 year old range. Boy, sure am glad I'm 37....oh, wait a minute...Crap!

So far there is not much good information being disseminated about the flu, but you can bet that over the next few days and weeks that will change. So, what can we do? Run...Flee...Preserve Life! If in time this becomes a pandemic then those become real options. But for now your best bet is to remain calm. That's right, breath in deep and relax.

Just don't take a deep breath by anybody that is coughing uncontrollably!

But seriously surf on over and take a look at the Center for Disease Control website.


It's a great place to get some good general info on the subject.

Or, you could join the small group of conspiracy whack jobs that have already begun to post Internet pages on this flu. Most of these conspiracy sites are making accusations that this flu is related to three vials of equine encephalitis that went missing from an army biomedical research lab.

Of course there are some obvious holes in these plots...Such as the vials contained equine encephalitis. That alone holds two clues that make this highly unlikely to be behind the recent flu.

#1. Equine (Horse) Yes, it's a horse disease. and

#2. Encephalitis. Not Influenza. But hey, it's a conspiracy right. So why should the type of disease match.

Of course the equine encephalitis can cause flu like symptoms in human beings where 1 out of 100 persons subjected to that disease can die. The problem with that is the fact that the only way to transmit the disease from horses to people is through mosquitoes.

So, I guess we need to be on the lookout for terrorist mosquitoes carrying a stolen equine encephalitis virus that the government is masking as a swine influenza outbreak.

Well, if you believe that then just put your aluminum foil hats back on and block out the governments evil transmissions. The people outside the matrix will be contacting you shortly because you are the only person that can save us.

Today's Rant: Complete